Tundracon – January 6th & 7th, 2024

Welcome back to Tundracon 2024. It has been a rocky ride this year. Due to cancelations of venues, we have needed to scramble to find Tundracon a new home. This year and for the first time in 10 years, we will not be at the American Legion in Appleton. In addition, this year marks the first major expansion of the convention into a two-day event. We have more space and more time to get those games on the table. Let the battles begin!

Our new home for Tundracon 2024

Hilton Garden Inn Oshkosh
1355 W. 20th Ave
Oshkosh, WI 54902

In addition to adding a second day, the we also have a small room block available for those that might just want to stay onsite.

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